This interview is about 50 minutes long, very timely with many many details on the issues with hospital protocols for "treating" covid, plus recovery directives as well. He is encouraging people to keep this information on hand and use it to confront medical personnel who try to push dangerous meds on people.
He has been on many news sites with this information.
Explains MAJOR danger of remdesever... 30% of those given this drug have been demonstrated to go into major organ failures, per at least 2 studies.
He notes that most of the world follows America's lead in medical recommendations/procedures, thus he hopes to get this information into as many people's hands as possible.
He also provides links to obtain the document that confirms that Ivermectin was approved for use..July, 2021...
nih.govtable2e.characteristicsofantiviralgentsapprovedorunderevaluationfor covid19treatment
as well as the document that also promotes the remdesevere and that physicians are being offered funds to choose that drug, a 20% bonus payout over the $2,400 they are giving to use this treatment. This is on the Medicare data base....CMS....
He gave places to obtain ivermectin and other supplements, sometimes in bulk.
Be ready to take notes!
Just watched it at 1.5 x speed.
Can vouch for this. It's a great resource.