"Why me" is a victim's mindset. When you play the victim you will always feel you didn't deserve what was dealt to you. We are all put here for a purpose, and until you learn what that purpose is you will keep relieving tough situations. Life was never meant to be easy and the most important things in life are worth fighting for. So think what is most important to you, what can you live with out, and what you're willing to risk for those important things. Also, all the crap going on in the world, while upsetting and confusing, doesn't matter. What matters is you,, your health,, mental health,, and your direct family(I like to think of this as "things I can control directly" . If your job is pressuring you, find a new job, significant other being a dick, speak say something and set boundaries, feeling fat, eat better, one by one start identifying the obstacles in your life making you unhappy and fix it . Only you can be responsible for how your life ends up, it is easy to put the blame on others and turn your head. Moral of the story, don't be the victim, be better, make the change. Don't be afraid to reach out for help either. Keep pushing forward.
"Why me" is a victim's mindset. When you play the victim you will always feel you didn't deserve what was dealt to you. We are all put here for a purpose, and until you learn what that purpose is you will keep relieving tough situations. Life was never meant to be easy and the most important things in life are worth fighting for. So think what is most important to you, what can you live with out, and what you're willing to risk for those important things. Also, all the crap going on in the world, while upsetting and confusing, doesn't matter. What matters is you,, your health,, mental health,, and your direct family(I like to think of this as "things I can control directly" . If your job is pressuring you, find a new job, significant other being a dick, speak say something and set boundaries, feeling fat, eat better, one by one start identifying the obstacles in your life making you unhappy and fix it . Only you can be responsible for how your life ends up, it is easy to put the blame on others and turn your head. Moral of the story, don't be the victim, be better, make the change. Don't be afraid to reach out for help either. Keep pushing forward.