It has been said that Cymatics is both the oldest and newest science. This isn't "woo-woo". Starting from the most basic elemental science, you were taught each element is different because of proton/neutron/electron count. Aside from wither true or not, consider how we distinguish one from another. We don't count protons. We use a spectrograph (several types) and read the "spectral lines" to determine the frequency and thus the element...cuz not only does everything have it's own frequency, everything is what it is because of it's rate of vibration. Change a things rest state vib and you change the thing elementally. Transmutation. The heart of ancient alchemy. Secret of secrets.
The deepest of the rabbit holes my friend. Only 5 shapes in existence, and combinations. Each generated by a specific tone. In this 3-space reality all physical form reduces to the number 9, by addition/reduction of interior angles...notes of a scale. A line180 deg...1+8+0=9 A circle, square, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, octagon and any and all 2 or 3-d forms, mixes and curvilinear constructs. If it physically exist it =9. There is the heart and first leg of Tesla's3/6/9 as well as the base code (432 harmonic) of the old testament/torah/zohar/epic of Gilgamesh, and all of the hindu gitas. As an aside, it was also the science of the high technology that powered the ancient world. Cymatics.
It has been said that Cymatics is both the oldest and newest science. This isn't "woo-woo". Starting from the most basic elemental science, you were taught each element is different because of proton/neutron/electron count. Aside from wither true or not, consider how we distinguish one from another. We don't count protons. We use a spectrograph (several types) and read the "spectral lines" to determine the frequency and thus the element...cuz not only does everything have it's own frequency, everything is what it is because of it's rate of vibration. Change a things rest state vib and you change the thing elementally. Transmutation. The heart of ancient alchemy. Secret of secrets.
Check this out, fren. They found Cymatics in Rosslyn Chapel:
The deepest of the rabbit holes my friend. Only 5 shapes in existence, and combinations. Each generated by a specific tone. In this 3-space reality all physical form reduces to the number 9, by addition/reduction of interior angles...notes of a scale. A line180 deg...1+8+0=9 A circle, square, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, octagon and any and all 2 or 3-d forms, mixes and curvilinear constructs. If it physically exist it =9. There is the heart and first leg of Tesla's3/6/9 as well as the base code (432 harmonic) of the old testament/torah/zohar/epic of Gilgamesh, and all of the hindu gitas. As an aside, it was also the science of the high technology that powered the ancient world. Cymatics.