Wow, didn't know that, thanks for the info! This is what I love about this place - so many anons out there who are troves of amazing information.
I'll go do some research on John Bedini and Abrams or Rife machines now.
BTW, did they find a way to consistently propagate these waveforms through every cell of a human body? I think there is still much to be done on improving the efficacy of Dr. Clark's zapper.
I am not for sure on the Rife work. but the Abrams machine used a copper plate on your feet, and a electrode on your chest, so that is propagating what ever wave form the circuit can produce through the body.
Wow, didn't know that, thanks for the info! This is what I love about this place - so many anons out there who are troves of amazing information. I'll go do some research on John Bedini and Abrams or Rife machines now. BTW, did they find a way to consistently propagate these waveforms through every cell of a human body? I think there is still much to be done on improving the efficacy of Dr. Clark's zapper.
I am not for sure on the Rife work. but the Abrams machine used a copper plate on your feet, and a electrode on your chest, so that is propagating what ever wave form the circuit can produce through the body.