I know we keep hearing how woke the "traditional forces" of our military are, and how they are all forcing vaccines on the forces. What we never hear is a word of what the hell the space force are doing., or how the admin is acting towards them. This intuitively feels important to me.
The formation of the Space Force, for those of us who followed the secret budgets, most likely spawned from the SSP (secret space program) and made it legitimate. Trump also siloed them from their original branches, so they have a somewhat separate CoC. Ergo, whatever orders the army/navy/airforce/marines are given do not apply to the space force.
In addition, because of the secret budgets, we have no idea what technologies they have at their disposal. What we do know is they control sigint and cyber security activities now, but that's it. There have been rumors they have craft and weapons which can be considered unstoppable by "modern weaponry", and the older concept weapons like "Rods from God" are probably under their remit now too.
However, we never hear what they do re vaccinations or wokeness. Not a peep. Traditional forces sure, but no word on what Space Force is being made to do by the administration. Now, theoretically, if they are "in spaaaaace", then the virus and the vaccines cant touch them. The wokeness of today's Chiefs of Staff too seems unlikely to affect them either, as how can you enforce it if most of the units are "off world"?
This branch has now gone totally dark to my view. That to me implies a slight of hand against the cabal - "don't look up there, look down here". Everyone is driving attention to the traditional forces being ruined, but no one mentions these guys. Operations active? Is this the "trump card" we have been waiting to be deployed?
Time will tell, and i wont say they aren't impacted, but my gut and soul tells me there are wheels moving we cant see here. If so, then everything else is Kabuki.
It was given intel responsibility, true. But created specifically for that? those who followed the SSP conspiracy know there are prototype weapons and craft that was being built and tested for years before trump came to power. He legitimised that budget and that group as their own force, and we have no clue what they have in the form of capabilities.