Yesterday I was driving down I39 near Rochelle IL and I saw Jeep with Q WWG1WGA on the back window.
I was in the Red Ram and gave you a thumbs up!
Yesterday I was driving down I39 near Rochelle IL and I saw Jeep with Q WWG1WGA on the back window.
I was in the Red Ram and gave you a thumbs up!
It is so uplifting to see others especially in this Blue State of IL be in alignment! You are not alone and I appreciate that you shared this!
Way south, but I'm holding ground in this hell hole too! I salute you my!!!
Thats why I posted this. I saw the Q as I was coming up behind them, tried to get the drivers attention when next to them, then got in front of them and put a big thumbs up out the window.
Made my day.
I grew up there! Awesome! Short drive away now. Had a similar situation in Rockford on s main with a white suv, amazing feeling!
Have yet to see a Q in the wild, you are blessed!🙏🇺🇸
I saw one the other day in Put-In-Bay, Ohio.
I saw a another car on the highway yesterday with a small Q sticker and a big WWG1WGA on the other side. Made my day!
We need a hand symbol … that we can flash to each other … do make the air Q like Trump ?
hmmmm. and u felt u needed to post about this? u must be bored
Why are you spending your time being cruel to others. Please stop.
Other side of the Wall for you, Handshake!
You found the time to post some meaningless insult which only shows that you actually have less important things to do than the commenter. Also your post history is pitiful. I really do feel sad for you. I can't figure out if you're just a really bad shill or an angry loser stuck on the internet by yourself.
KEK yes good watch
you've been steady dropping that red pill for at least 24 hours! i appreciate your service anon!