With regards to the paranormal experiences you suggest as possible/probable side effects, I've raised the question in other forums whether DMT is also pumped out by the Pineal Gland into the blood stream during the horrific abuse and terror sessions.
This would account for some of the anecdotal 'spiritual' experiences attributed to adrenochrome, e.g., visions, encounters with sentient others, extraordinary insight, etc. In this vein, the similarities to the Near Death Experience (N.D.E.) phenomenon is striking. In fact, I at first thought that [they] had purposely conflated D.M.T. with Adrenaline as disinformation or as a limited hang-out to keep the truth hidden. Some of you may remember that one drawing/print/art of an "abuse session" (Perhaps one of the Podesta Bros'?), a watercolor, I believe, of the child victim lying on the floor with the abuser standing/kneeling at the victim's feet. But the 'artist' drew 2 or three more images of the victim which simulated he or she rising or levitating off the floor. At first I thought this might represent a dissociative state with the victim 'splitting' during the abuse. Anyone recall such a print and have any input?
Then we have the wikileaks documents of that very strange reference to the order of all those Penguin pineal glands and that bizarre Strafor email thread about the clearly unstable son of one Stratfor employee threatening to "smoke the pineal gland" of another.
We know that the active ingredient of the Ayahuasca ceremony is the D.M.T.-rich jungle vine/plant (D.M.T. is fairly ubiquitous in Nature). I have read and watched many accounts of this ceremony and perhaps the greatest take-away aside from the tremendous personal and other insights gained from the Ritual, is the gift of certain p.s.i. abilities which were likely already inherent but dormant in our bodies and spirits. The Ritual seems like doorway which opens just a bit to access these dormant gifts.
Any thoughts or comments about the possible connection of the Pineal and D.M.T. to the 'adrenochrome harvesting' would be appreciated.
With regards to the paranormal experiences you suggest as possible/probable side effects, I've raised the question in other forums whether DMT is also pumped out by the Pineal Gland into the blood stream during the horrific abuse and terror sessions.
This would account for some of the anecdotal 'spiritual' experiences attributed to adrenochrome, e.g., visions, encounters with sentient others, extraordinary insight, etc. In this vein, the similarities to the Near Death Experience (N.D.E.) phenomenon is striking. In fact, I at first thought that [they] had purposely conflated D.M.T. with Adrenaline as disinformation or as a limited hang-out to keep the truth hidden. Some of you may remember that one drawing/print/art of an "abuse session" (Perhaps one of the Podesta Bros'?), a watercolor, I believe, of the child victim lying on the floor with the abuser standing/kneeling at the victim's feet. But the 'artist' drew 2 or three more images of the victim which simulated he or she rising or levitating off the floor. At first I thought this might represent a dissociative state with the victim 'splitting' during the abuse. Anyone recall such a print and have any input?
Then we have the wikileaks documents of that very strange reference to the order of all those Penguin pineal glands and that bizarre Strafor email thread about the clearly unstable son of one Stratfor employee threatening to "smoke the pineal gland" of another.
We know that the active ingredient of the Ayahuasca ceremony is the D.M.T.-rich jungle vine/plant (D.M.T. is fairly ubiquitous in Nature). I have read and watched many accounts of this ceremony and perhaps the greatest take-away aside from the tremendous personal and other insights gained from the Ritual, is the gift of certain p.s.i. abilities which were likely already inherent but dormant in our bodies and spirits. The Ritual seems like doorway which opens just a bit to access these dormant gifts.
Any thoughts or comments about the possible connection of the Pineal and D.M.T. to the 'adrenochrome harvesting' would be appreciated.