I was almost assaulted by some black guy at a gym back in 2018 during the Cavanaugh hearings. I casually said the trial was bullshit, they are trying to frame the judge the same as they tried with Trump. It went off the rails when I said Obama is likely to go to jail and has committed a lot of treason; he didn’t like it
That much, but it felt great to tell that to a NPC thug. I remained calm & told him I would have him arrested if he touched me; not a fun time but it did feel great to stand up to these leftist psychos.
I don’t wish harm on anyone, but I hope the vaccine takes out Gods enemies; the UN redeemable in the crowd.
There were 2 thugs in my gym in 2002 when the Wars were really kicking off and I was wearing a USA T-shirt and thug 1 repeated some lyrics to me like “mamas dyin babies cryin blaxes mens behind the trigga “
So I kept cool and said “well, many men go to war and learn to lead men and if they survive they have great contributions to society later”
Then thug 1 said “you don’t know where I’m from I’m from badassNeighborhodX”
I said “oh I’ve been there”
He said “why would you ever go there???”
I said “ I went to AA meetings there - I’ve been sober a couple years”
He said “oh my parole officer wants me to go to AA”
I was almost assaulted by some black guy at a gym back in 2018 during the Cavanaugh hearings. I casually said the trial was bullshit, they are trying to frame the judge the same as they tried with Trump. It went off the rails when I said Obama is likely to go to jail and has committed a lot of treason; he didn’t like it That much, but it felt great to tell that to a NPC thug. I remained calm & told him I would have him arrested if he touched me; not a fun time but it did feel great to stand up to these leftist psychos.
I don’t wish harm on anyone, but I hope the vaccine takes out Gods enemies; the UN redeemable in the crowd.
There were 2 thugs in my gym in 2002 when the Wars were really kicking off and I was wearing a USA T-shirt and thug 1 repeated some lyrics to me like “mamas dyin babies cryin blaxes mens behind the trigga “
So I kept cool and said “well, many men go to war and learn to lead men and if they survive they have great contributions to society later”
Then thug 1 said “you don’t know where I’m from I’m from badassNeighborhodX”
I said “oh I’ve been there”
He said “why would you ever go there???”
I said “ I went to AA meetings there - I’ve been sober a couple years”
He said “oh my parole officer wants me to go to AA”
I said “oh we should go together 😃 “
He ran away from me LOL