Remember, EVERYTHING.... I repeat - EVERYTHING you see on the internet (including here) is - - - - well, if I have to complete the sentence for you, you ARE the problem; like the person who posted this thread.
Though your intentions are assumed (and we all know what assumptions are.... ) good, NOTHING you see on the interwebs can be even remotely presumed to be true unless you can personally verify it by at least one or more external sources.
Yeaha though I want to "believe" it is ALL BS until the actual STORM hits, and all is revealed. Until then, it is a LARP.
"My internet boyfriend is a French Model."
"It's true, I saw it on Wikipedia."
"SNOPES says it isn't true....."
Remember, EVERYTHING.... I repeat - EVERYTHING you see on the internet (including here) is - - - - well, if I have to complete the sentence for you, you ARE the problem; like the person who posted this thread.
Though your intentions are assumed (and we all know what assumptions are.... ) good, NOTHING you see on the interwebs can be even remotely presumed to be true unless you can personally verify it by at least one or more external sources.
Yeaha though I want to "believe" it is ALL BS until the actual STORM hits, and all is revealed. Until then, it is a LARP.