Make it all up. You are Sweedish/Norwegian (originally from Norwegia) , 7 years old, make 3 dollars every 28 hours at the laundry mat, and you usually vote Brandonese . LET'S GO BRANDON. Oh, and you are a member of the church of spaghetti heads and sometimes wear a colander on your head.
Looks to me like someone wants to do a research study off your assignment. Since it asked about geographic location, I wouldn't be surprised if other students had the same assignment.
Very important: Research studies with human subjects require that they give informed consent before participating, including psychological tests like this. You have the right to know who is conducting the study, how the results may be used, etc. It doesn't look like your had the opportunity to refuse to participate without penalty either.
You may want to question this before turning in the assignment.
And at the end of the day, you are all paying a premium to them to push this very type of propaganda, whether you agree or disagree with it. Love our great education system, well worth the money, NOT!!
Make it all up. You are Sweedish/Norwegian (originally from Norwegia) , 7 years old, make 3 dollars every 28 hours at the laundry mat, and you usually vote Brandonese . LET'S GO BRANDON. Oh, and you are a member of the church of spaghetti heads and sometimes wear a colander on your head.
Act offended and storm out if they say you’re making it up.
Snort-laugging over here!!
Send it to ur governor.
Looks to me like someone wants to do a research study off your assignment. Since it asked about geographic location, I wouldn't be surprised if other students had the same assignment.
Very important: Research studies with human subjects require that they give informed consent before participating, including psychological tests like this. You have the right to know who is conducting the study, how the results may be used, etc. It doesn't look like your had the opportunity to refuse to participate without penalty either.
You may want to question this before turning in the assignment.
And at the end of the day, you are all paying a premium to them to push this very type of propaganda, whether you agree or disagree with it. Love our great education system, well worth the money, NOT!!