Make it all up. You are Sweedish/Norwegian (originally from Norwegia) , 7 years old, make 3 dollars every 28 hours at the laundry mat, and you usually vote Brandonese . LET'S GO BRANDON. Oh, and you are a member of the church of spaghetti heads and sometimes wear a colander on your head.
Make it all up. You are Sweedish/Norwegian (originally from Norwegia) , 7 years old, make 3 dollars every 28 hours at the laundry mat, and you usually vote Brandonese . LET'S GO BRANDON. Oh, and you are a member of the church of spaghetti heads and sometimes wear a colander on your head.
Act offended and storm out if they say you’re making it up.
Snort-laugging over here!!