They were met with some very important and potentially life-changing questions to which they're fucking answer was "we hope"
Fuck that, I hope I get the chance to kill every single one of them. With a smile. They threatened my children and I will absolutely threaten their lives. God can't save everyone.
They want to inject kids with cells from dead kids... they know this will cause cancer and all kinds of problems... having had the virus and taking a vaccine is known to cause problems its documented... So why are they doing this? human experimentation is a death sentance
Well that makes me feel better...
They were met with some very important and potentially life-changing questions to which they're fucking answer was "we hope"
Fuck that, I hope I get the chance to kill every single one of them. With a smile. They threatened my children and I will absolutely threaten their lives. God can't save everyone.
They shall receive no mercy
They want to inject kids with cells from dead kids... they know this will cause cancer and all kinds of problems... having had the virus and taking a vaccine is known to cause problems its documented... So why are they doing this? human experimentation is a death sentance