There is usually some degree of truth that allows the toxic push to initially occur. I do think it makes sense that straight women find it easy to befriend homosexual men: they get the companionship of a woman without as much cattiness, nor do they feel in competition with them like women are with each other (“She’s my best friend, but she’s prettier than me, so I actually hate and resent her”). But I also think there is something psychologically unhealthy in the way straight women perceive and treat gay men. It’s partially this mothering thing they do, it’s partially the condescension, and it’s also this novelty they feel in seeing male biology twisted and inverted into its opposite. One hint that it’s all novelty-based is that in groups of women, there is usually only ONE gay guy whose job it is to mince about and snap his fingers and do the lisp and say bitchy things. If it was about the person, a) they wouldn’t require the guy conform to the stereotype, and b) they would be willing to include more than just the one novelty queer. As soon as a friend group of women starts getting overwhelmed with five, six, seven homosexuals, to the point that they are no longer their mincing novelty show, the women lose interest. Then the gayness is too real and not like their TV shows.
There is usually some degree of truth that allows the toxic push to initially occur. I do think it makes sense that straight women find it easy to befriend homosexual men: they get the companionship of a woman without as much cattiness, nor do they feel in competition with them like women are with each other (“She’s my best friend, but she’s prettier than me, so I actually hate and resent her”). But I also think there is something psychologically unhealthy in the way straight women perceive and treat gay men. It’s partially this mothering thing they do, it’s partially the condescension, and it’s also this novelty they feel in seeing male biology twisted and inverted into its opposite. One hint that it’s all novelty-based is that in groups of women, there is usually only ONE gay guy whose job it is to mince about and snap his fingers and do the lisp and say bitchy things. If it was about the person, a) they wouldn’t require the guy conform to the stereotype, and b) they would be willing to include more than just the one novelty queer. As soon as a friend group of women starts getting overwhelmed with five, six, seven homosexuals, to the point that they are no longer their mincing novelty show, the women lose interest. Then the gayness is too real and not like their TV shows.