Is the point to drag you through the courts and then use a class action loss as precedent?
To get rid of all the free thinkers in any industry and have a legion of cowardly faggot normies?
How do they justify this garbage?
Is the point to drag you through the courts and then use a class action loss as precedent?
To get rid of all the free thinkers in any industry and have a legion of cowardly faggot normies?
How do they justify this garbage?
“AcTiOnS HaVE conseQuences”
But seriously, I have no idea. I have seen far less overturned in courts for not following established protocol yet the FDA pulls this comniraty shit out of thin air. Never mind everything else is under an EMERGENCY use authorization that we’re now 2 years into with no end in sight and the manufacturers doing everything they can to hide any long term safety info from being established.