What's more likely to kill? A ticking time bomb or a silent time bomb?
How effective do you think the "vaccines" are?
100% effective?
95% effective?
65% effective?
2% effective?
Define "effective."
Can you still spread the pathogen, even after needle number 3?
If so, what does the "vaccine" actually even do?! Reduce symptoms? If it reduces symptoms, but people can still spread it when asymptomatic, isn't it MORE dangerous for vaccinated people to be out and about, seeing how they are fully contagious while asymptomatic?
They won't have a fever, cough, sniffles, or anything, but continue to be a vector for transmission? How is that going to help stop the spread?
At least unvaccinated people will show symptoms. Onset of fever would immediately take them out of the system. Vaccinated people can go on to happily spread the filth and never get tested for it because of a special paper that says they don't have to.
It's obvious that vaccinated people are MORE dangerous. The only instance of that not being the logical conclusion is if the "vaccine" completely halts transmissibility, but we know 100% that is not the case. Fauci, MSM, Biden, Doctors, Experts, the CDC, the FDA -- they all acknowledge this. It's the sole premise for why vaccinated people still have to wear a mask.
Any and all nurses, health staff, and doctors getting the "vaccine" will continue to transmit the pathogen, but completely asymptomatically. How does that help?!
If anything, it promotes the spread by giving people a false sense of security!
Please, I beg you, make this make sense to me. Explain to me how turning off the symptoms but not transmission is the way forward. Explain how forcing this on care staff isn't just ensuring the pandemic never ends.
Because it all appears completely ass-backwards any way I cut it.
I'm trying to distill the entire debate down to a single argument:
Asymptomatic spread is worse than symptomatic spread.
This statement is an undeniable fact whether or not Covid in particular can spread asymptomatically.
The conclusion to this fact is that if any treatment addresses the symptoms but not transmissibility it is not a treatment but rather a catalyst for contagion.
If they accept this argument, and agree with your assessment, it opens the discussion up to Marek's Disease.
Thoughts? Criticisms?
Exactly! Well said, asymptomatic spread can occur after getting the vaccine so they are more dangerous! That is why this whole thing is insane.
The main thing you did that was awesome.
You asked them to explain it to you. That's the key to this.
You aren't downing their opinions. You are asking for help.
"If so, what does the "vaccine" actually even do?! Reduce symptoms?"
This one is a trap. The symptoms were ALREADY reduced prior to the vaxx. The vaxx didn't reduce the severity of an already nothing burger cold.
This should be stickied, if this is true, then they have transformed a huge percentage of the population into the perfect petridishes for SARS viruses to live and evolve.
“At least unvaccinated people will show symptoms.”
Been screaming this for over a year.