I probably shouldn't even be posting this but my wife is crying and I'm sitting here thinking why didn't they listen? My son married a very nice girl who we love but she's totally liberal and anti-Trump as is her friends and family. They have a beautiful almost 3 year old daughter who's smart and cute a real doll baby. This summer both were told by their respective employers they had to get the jab to keep their jobs. My son was hesitant but his wife was all on board. Her mother is a nurse who was also on board with the vax. Why? Cause their father almost died of Covid and was in the hospital for 6 weeks. They gave him Remdesivir which I was against from the start. I kept saying HCQ and Ivermectin is what he needed. But nope the docs at the hospital gave him Remdesiver which did nothing except ruin his kidneys. But he did survive. Lucky guy no thanks to the doctors.
Anyway, I knew my son and his wife wanted another child but got the second jab anyway over the summer. Then a few weeks ago we learned she was pregnant and everyone was happy. I didn't get emotionally involved because I'm thinking it will be a miracle if she has a normal bright baby like the first after getting both shots of Pfizer vaxx. Well, a short while ago my son called to say his wife had her first ultrasound appt. after her pregnancy test said she was with child.. They couldn't find a heartbeat. She was 8 weeks pregnant but her child was only 6 weeks in size and without a heart beat.
Gods will be done. But in my heart I know what happened and why. Nobody will convince be otherwise. I begged my son to have another child before getting vaxxed but too much pressure from their jobs, friends, main stream media. Now his wife and her mother are thinking it wasn't the vaxx because the FDA just approved it's use on young kids. My son asked that I not say anything and just be sensitive. I won't say a word to anyone but in my heart I know what happened and I hope there's a day of reckoning where everyone from Big Pharma to Fauci, to the hospitals to the docs will be held responsible. When I heard they were vaxxed I said to my wife I can't get happy about the situation. I knew the vaxx was the worst possible thing to get but to get it when you're trying to get pregnant was insane. This now doesn't surprise me in the least. Not one iota. I just hope someone is held to account, not just for my own grand child that didn't have a chance but for all the other kids born and unborn that are being decimated by the C19 poison.
Sorry to hear that. You'll meet your grandchild in Heaven.
Babies are without sin, so they get a pass
Children are pure and without sin. The unborn baby is a creation from God who through no fault of his or her own died before birth. Why would God not allow his child to go to Heaven?
Also, many, many NDE's discuss seeing unborn children in their short visits to Heaven.
At what age do you get sin, if children are without it?
The age of reason when one can discern between good and evil is in some major Christian religions to be set at 7 years old.
We’re all sinners eventually. Only God and the child would know.
Most people believe there is an age of accountability which takes effect when someone is old enough to know they’re committing sins.
Luckily for us, God gave His Son to come to the earth to die for our sins.
We just have to accept that gift and try to do our best.
We are all born into sin, so that excludes the unborn..
This is a very simplistic aproach. While a child has commited no sins and is pure, that doesnt mean that person has no karma. We reincarnate and we do take karma with us through different lives. We can reduce or increase karma (good/bad) durimg a lifetime but not many within a lifetime. Jesus did because he was a higher beeing trying to show us the way. Ultimatley, this war (with Q and all), isnt about just a lifetime (too easy if it was). We must liberate the planet and make it a better place for our next lives.
Probably the same people who tell you that people who commit suicide go to hell. I love meeting people who are self appointed authorities on places they have never been and are unlikely to ever go. They are very entertaining.
More than that. It's also admitting your a sinner and asking Him to forgive you.
You can't lose your salvation but should renounce sin and live a life faithful to His words.
I never thought that you have to believe in Christ in order to go to heaven. What about all the good people that lead virtuous lives but never heard of Christ? It never made sense to me for God to leave good people hanging just bc they’ve never heard of Jesus Christ. Or wipe away evil deeds just bc someone professes his belief in Christ.
Recently I found this in the Bible.
Romans 2:12-16
12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.) 16 This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
We must remember the reason why there are so many Christian sects. People interpret the Bible the way they see fit. Along the way I believe some misinformation crept in and got passed down. Faith and spirituality is wonderful but organized religion Imho is not.