While many Italian communists were looked down on by their more strident marxist comrades in other countries, there was one Italian who, while in prison for being a marxist, authored two volumes which in essence said, "Instead of attacking the West head-on, we need to identify and infiltrate Western institutions and culture which make her strong". Gramsci advocated a decades long assault on the traditional family unit -- feminisation of the family, homosexuality and disordered forms of sexuality, which over time led to pornography, contraception, divorce, and eventually abortion. His blueprint, in kernel form, suggested infiltrating the churches, schools and universities, media, art, and entertainment, and government institutions.
Waves of initially covert "agents of change" were sent Westward -- into the seminaries and universities, as a perverse "leaven" -- not to lift society but to degrade and weaken it. Initial agents lifted each other into rising positions of influence, identifying and recruiting allies (whether gullible or intelligent -- both could be used), and spread their ideas and recruits like mushroom spores, to any institutions they could infiltrate.
Some in the West caught on and attempted to warn and to put a stop to this -- the term McCarthyism was coined to direct ridicule, coming from Hollywood and the media, against anyone daring to call out communist sympathizers and supporters.
At present time, one could say those embracing Gramsci's strategies have succeeded, perhaps even beyond what levels they might have imagined -- the West teeters now at the precipice, the last bulwark against a worldwide onslaught of diabolical evil, seeking to enslave and control mankind.
In this great battle against the DS and their marxist battering ram, and even at this late point, it is helpful to know some of the origins of what our Western culture -- our families and institutions, have faced and are facing.
A bit of sauce:
You know what subvert means. Was it a yes or no? I’m not asking for your appraisal of its worthiness or otherwise, I’m asking if he wrote about how to subvert the west and capitalism.
Yes or no?
I already explained what I've read that he wrote. It's analysis of motives and behavior and their origins in relationships between political society, family hierarchy, and property. Im gonna say no. Subvert is an interpretation from reactionaries clinging to the exact programming he dissects very brilliantly, where adult workers are childish dupes seeking attaboys from the thieves and decievers who squeeze them from every angle.
Lol you could just read it, it's free and a PDF now
Subvert means to overturn the current order.
No amount of extraneous waffle will make it otherwise.
You just don’t want to admit it
Im saying i never got into any methodology Maybe it's there, i never read the whole thing but in the many chapters i did read i found no actionable advice or plan, just thoroughly intelligent analysis of class relationships and how good boy little doggies suck rulers dicks bc of their daddy issues basically.
You're living it now, the malady he diagnoses is all around you and probably also on your own personality
It is you who have been indoctrinated into an ideology.
Marxism is an extreme ideology and you have to be as an ostrich with their head in the sand not to acknowledge the massive evil it has caused in the world.
The offspring of Marxism, such as Gramscis ideas, are from the same root. Evil.
The basics are like "society is of two types: political society, which uses force to build relationships, and civil society, which uses agreements. But the violence threatened and wielded by political society is evident in the structures of civil society." Then he reflects quite insightfully on how and why
Why does Marxism ALWAYS without exception end up in slave Labour and mass death?
How do you justify that?
Because it's Statist and relies entirely on Political society and force. Read Gramsci and understand that theres also civil society and agreement. It's very compatible with Austrian economics instead of Marxist economics is what im saying. It's about the culture of the oppressed and how and why they reproduce models of their oppression in their private lives.
Again this is happening now TO YOU
Marxism is statist.
Communism is completely statist.
No one denies that the current system is amenable to abuse and that we are taken advantage of, the difference is that no one wants to jump from the frying pan into the fire.
Marxism is the fire. We would be overtly trampled underfoot, enslaved et al and you can see quite clearly that Marxism has already infiltrated its way into it institutions and continues to ideologically subvert them towards their Marxist agenda. Look at Yuri Bezmenovs lecture about how it is done. It absolutely is happening to us now - but that’s at the hands of our Marxist interlopers!
Remember, the cure can’t be worse than the disease. Marxism is much worse than capitalism and there is the benefit of a whole century of history to learn from and multiple Marxist states. You have to come to terms with the simple fact that Marxism and its branches bear rotten evil fruit. Gramsci is a Marxist. His root is from evil. His words, like the words of Marx, deceive.
For example “from each according to ability, to each according to need “.
To the unthoughtful that sounds like a description of fairness and utopia.
To the thoughtful and those with a will and ability to look at history it is clearly a call for slave labour/gulags.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Give Gramsci up - he is a disciple of one of the worlds greatest evil masterminds. He is a prophet of doom.