Dear frens,
It is an honor to associate with you. We are all, truly, brothers and sisters in the Great Awakening.
Now, right at this moment, the People of Australia and Victoria desperately need your assistance.
We desperately need people around the world to inform your representatives (congress, senators, influencers), your patriotic media (alt media, patriotic news outlets, etc) your people, of the now Dangerous Dictatorship arising in Victoria Australia. This is now 1933+ in Victoria.
There is a new law being proposed, and instead of weeks of debate, the Premier (i.e. governor) is pushing it through to make it law with NO debate, in one or two days. We have little time.
EDIT: It passed the lower house in ONE DAY (today). It will now be TWO weeks until it will go to the upper house. If it passes, it will pass in a single day. No debate. We have a window of time to make an impact.
Do you think I exaggerate? I do not.
Victoria has been in almost 15+ months of lockdown over the past 18 months. Must of that lockdown has been DRACONIAN. 1 hour exercise, one person shopping, only 3.5 miles travel allowed, no visitors, no small businesses, no churches, curfew from 9pm - 6am. Deaths? 900 deaths in a population of 5,000,000. That's the cause.
Now, the Premier of Victoria is rushing through Parliament a new law that will allow:
the Premier to declare a pandemic emergency based only on his own concerns "That there is a serious risk". He can ignore or go against the advice of the Chief Health Officers, and declare the emergency unilaterally, without Parliament (congress), and whether or not the disease in question is present in the state (i.e. 0 cases) and whether or not the disease in question "has pandemic potential".
If he declares an emergency, he can do so for up to 3 months at a time, and extend it indefinitely (for ever). (Currently, it is limited to 6 months, and then extensions can only be 1 month at a time.)
Under these powers, the Government can then apply restrictions (masks, self-quarantine (house arrest), prevention from working, travelling, visiting, anything, based on a category of person, defined by sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, etc.
People in the state can be fined $20,000 (US $15,000) or imprisonment for 2 years for not wearing a mask. A business can be fined $100,000 (US $75,000) if a customer does NOT scan in using the government code system "correctly" (citizen tracing).
This bill will make the Premier of the state a full blown dictator in literal terms.
We need your help, because the Parliament is stacked, and the only way to prevent this is to raise such a hell of a ruckus and awareness that the people refuse to accept it.
That will only happen when the WORLD begins to point out how dangerous this man has become, how lunatic and insane he has become, and how dangerous to Australia he is. He needs to be ridiculed, mocked, exposed.
By you.
I will attempt to post resources you can use.
Starting with the draft of the Bill first.
SEND this to your congress people, your patriots, your analysts.
Please Demand that they denounce This megalomaniac for the violation of human freedoms and human rights he is now positioning himself to carry out.
Demand that Victorians be offered refugee status from a dictatorial regime.
Anything to get the point across.
I will post resources in the following days, Please watch out for them. THese are resources suitable for MSM and regular normies...
Some other resources:
Youtube. Discernable. VIC: State of Emergency Forever Discussion with Opposition parliamentarian.
Sky News Australia
Financial Review Australia
Thank you for any aid you can provide on this one.
We are fighting.
The US will be fixed before 23.