My jaw hits the floor every time I see it, and nearly every time I mutter "that's child abuse." I don't want or even like kids, but my parents put me through more than enough shit to recognize when a child is being abused.
This is in NYC, where these idiots would vote for Warren Wilhelm Jr for governor despite how much he has fucked the city.
Mostly, I've not been seeing kids with masks unless with their parents. Lucky there.
What makes my blood boil to where I have to fight from commenting is seeing parents with 1-5 yr olds with the kid masked up. I want to shake them that kids that young need to see people's faces to read and that it's psychological abuse to deny them of that.
But then I consider that if the parents will do that to their kids, they probably aren't going to be rational either.
and those parents will be the first in line with their poor kids to get them their clot shots..... it is so sad.
Those kids are growing up, thinking it is normal to live in fear, to comply with whatever the government tells them. They will think the last couple years is how life is supposed to be.... :/
They won't be doing much thinking after being oxygen deprived and inhaling all manner of bacteria, Co2, etc they will be very slow thinkers, just what the ccp has in mind,