My jaw hits the floor every time I see it, and nearly every time I mutter "that's child abuse." I don't want or even like kids, but my parents put me through more than enough shit to recognize when a child is being abused.
This is in NYC, where these idiots would vote for Warren Wilhelm Jr for governor despite how much he has fucked the city.
This bothers me more than the kids honestly.... the grown men wearing their cuck face diapers. I always give them a disgusted look when I walk by. Where are all the strong men that will stand up to this tyranny?
I size up everyone at the store because any retaliation can focus on the root of the argument ... men wearing masks .... So much for being a protective entity of masucline power.
I'm a skinny dude and once I realized all the big muscle bound men were only 1 mask away from giving away all the hard work ... i realized it didn't matter as much as I thought it did.