The tweet.
I was waiting for him to tweet on the 4th anniversary of the first Q drop and he finally came through. He waited all damn day to post this. Surely it was to get the timestamp right.
Yes, but Jesus says in the gospels that at his coming at the end of the age, people will be killed in his name. There’s no getting away from the fact. It has to just be accepted and made peace with. And you can see it coming a mile off.
I wish to be wrong too and that the whole bad dream would just cease but I am at terms with it.
This is the absolute hard truth for some Christians. It's like the idea that "well I'm a good person so I'm going to heaven". That's not how you get to heaven. It's believing in Jesus that gets you to heaven, not works or being "good". Most of the people who think they are "good" because they didn't murder anyone still have lied, cheated, have anger in their heart, steal...etc. Sin is sin.
It doesn't help that pastors excuse away everything with the rapture. It turns into "well I'm a good person so I'll just get raptured before any of the bad stuff happens". While it is true that Jesus will come for us at some point, it does not mean that we won't see bad and in fact it's mentioned that people will die for not taking the mark of the beast. I don't have all the answers, but we have been told many times in the Bible that being a Christian isn't for the faint of heart and there will be trouble. The apostles even died for it. What makes us better than them that we'd skip that? Jesus died for us, so it is only fair that we should accept the fact that one day we might have to die for Him. I say might because we do not know. It's accepting the ugly truth of reality that it may not be all rainbows in the end. It doesn't mean it will be ugly for us, each of our paths is different. God is going to send Jesus whenever He wants, no one knows when that will be or how it will be. We just have an idea and a worldly one at that which many people have different opinions about. It's a bit of a blackpill for sure, but that blackpill leads to the ultimate redpilling of all which is Jesus.
Remaining in the Word and Bible is the only way. Jesus is the only way.