posted ago by KSUIE ago by KSUIE +37 / -0

Hello all. For several years now actually closer to like a decade World War III has been raging on without a single shot fired. It heated up 5 years ago when a man who had everything to lose gave us hope. It is a war of propaganda, lies, evil and Data. Like me, I’m sure many of the digital soldiers here have an external hard drive with 100’s of MB of data/evidence against our corrupt enemies. Everything from HB touching himself and others to newspaper clippings of “Helicopters” launched near skunk island.

Stolen submarines and elections are held safely in our repository for when and if we need them.

We have fought many skirmishes during this war armed with truth, memes, many of us the Bible, and YouTube links that rapidly get removed. We trudge in to the trenches daily and combat the moral destruction of not just our country but the world in general, watching patiently as our eyes well up with tears knowing that this is the battle for our children and not just our country/countries. We keep adding to our repositories of data more and more red pills, more and more memes, more and more truth that is not easy to find in a world where all media outlets are controlled by our enemy. Many here still think the enemy is the Democrats, or the RHINOs or the Chinese. Well, the last one there is pretty accurate but it is not the Chinese people. And many mistakenly think their ally is Fox News, or Republicans that talk tough in hearings and deliver nothing. I’m here to tell you frens, you are surrounded by allies. Your allies are your neighbors, your family and your friends. Your allies are here building their repository of information just like you.

5.6% of the population in the U.S. identifies as gay. 0.7% of the population identifies as Trans. I have nothing against these people but compare those two percentages to the number of articles, legislation, and air time they receive. And you will begin to recognize just how powerful our enemy is. Destruction of the moral fabric is the method; destruction of your spirit and the harvest of your soul is the goal.

Our enemy is not of flesh and blood, our enemy is the same that has been since the beginning of time.

This is a war between good and evil, and I believe despite his best efforts to convince us otherwise we are winning the war. But the battle isn’t over.

On 11/11/21 I intend to dump my repository of red pills, memes, research and evidence on several file hosting platforms. And I will post links to these repositories in various places from social media to comment sections of magazine and newspaper articles. I invite you all to do the same. Catalog your files, put them in folders to make them easier for others to peruse, put them under topics such as Moloch, Bohemia Grove, Franklin Coverup, NoName, Covid Data… etc etc. so that anyone that accesses can find the topics they are most interested in. Put your files in multiple online repositories and change all the file names with adding characters and such so that the algorithms that have been put in place to silence us cannot handle the sheer volume and the lack of consistent formatting.

If I do this by myself, it will be one more skirmish that will have little effect. If we all do this…. Well then it would be the single greatest information drop in the history of the world and probably the future. I am just one man fighting the battle, we are an army. This is the battlefield of the 21st century I hope to see you in the trenches. Use #DDay for “Drop Day” so we can find each other on the battlefield. I hope you join me this could be YUGE if we all fight together.
