My brother has been a Sheriff's deputy for some years in a red state - he is the personification of a "good cop" and is an excellent father of three.
Unfortunately, a back injury has progressed to the point that he is forced to change careers. So he's begun work toward getting a CDL. In the meantime, he's unemployed.
His wife is due in April for their fourth child. She has received notice that she will be terminated if she doesn't get the first jab by Dec 15. For reasons we all know, they flatly refuse this, so their only source of income is now in jeopardy. Additionally, they were counting on her insurance to pay for a disk replacement - which is quickly becoming non-optional because nerve impingement is causing his legs to buckle randomly.
Needless to say, they are under serious financial pressure. His ray of hope is an interview on Tuesday for a job that should be sufficient to meet their needs.
Here's the request: His name is Eric. Please pray that God will prepare the path before him so that he will be hired for the job he's seeking or will be led to a different opportunity if that is God's wisdom. Also please pray that he will feel God's peace and assurance.
Thank you for your time and concern.
Can he go out on leave or disability, or workers comp due to his back injury? I’m only asking as if it’s a back injury that causes him to be out awhile, I know some things being through some things myself.
Sadly no, the injury is from his youth. He doesn't qualify for any work-related benefits to treat it. He is loathe to seek government assistance. And he refuses to put his fellow officers at risk because his legs fail at a critical moment.
So can he take a desk job, or go into dispatch? Trucking is good yes. I was just thinking of things he can do in law enforcement without totally giving up the job/time. Maybe work the cameras at a prison/jail, or work probation/parole? Or be a resource officer at a Middle or High School? Sorry just ideas jumping out of the brain haha.
Even the desk officers have to be physically capable, and he's determined not to put his fellow officers at risk.