There are different types of disinformation. Is this woman a disinformation agent knowingly or is she a victim who has been brainwashed into being a disinformation agent. If a person is a knowing disinformation agent, they shouldn’t be able to pass a lie detector test. But a victim that was brainwashed to believe in something crazy will pass a lie detector test
It would be very easy to kidnap someone, abuse them, then before you release them, hypnotize them and implant some type of crazy lizard people scenario in their mind.
Now the perpetrators are going to get away with that abuse because no one’s going to believe the fake story that was implanted in the victim’s mind. It’s sad because the victim was actually abused yet they believe in the crazy story which only adds to the trauma.
There are different types of disinformation. Is this woman a disinformation agent knowingly or is she a victim who has been brainwashed into being a disinformation agent. If a person is a knowing disinformation agent, they shouldn’t be able to pass a lie detector test. But a victim that was brainwashed to believe in something crazy will pass a lie detector test
It would be very easy to kidnap someone, abuse them, then before you release them, hypnotize them and implant some type of crazy lizard people scenario in their mind.
Now the perpetrators are going to get away with that abuse because no one’s going to believe the fake story that was implanted in the victim’s mind. It’s sad because the victim was actually abused yet they believe in the crazy story which only adds to the trauma.