While living in Maryland one day on the news and in the papers...about 2 years ago they had a story saying helicopters from Fort Dietrich(?-local) were spraying to eliminate a surge in some flying fly. Anyway the next day our whole neighborhood was seeing these flies EVERYWHERE. I immediately put 2:2 together...THEY RELEASED THEM. Then I started noticing insects we’d NEVER SEEN BEFORE. I’m totally convinced these sick mofos will create Hell on Earth.
While living in Maryland one day on the news and in the papers...about 2 years ago they had a story saying helicopters from Fort Dietrich(?-local) were spraying to eliminate a surge in some flying fly. Anyway the next day our whole neighborhood was seeing these flies EVERYWHERE. I immediately put 2:2 together...THEY RELEASED THEM. Then I started noticing insects we’d NEVER SEEN BEFORE. I’m totally convinced these sick mofos will create Hell on Earth.