"Israel literally owned Congress ten years ago, fifteen years ago and it was so powerful - it was so powerful and today it's almost the opposite. You have between (((AOC))) and Omar and these people that hate Israel, they hate it with a passion: they're controlling Congress and Israel is not a force in Congress anymore, I mean, It's just amazing. I've never seen such a change and we're not talking about over a very long period of time, but I think (((you))) know exactly what I'm saying. (((They))) had such power. Israel had such power and rightfully over Congress and now it doesn't."
This is exactly what Trump said.
Why lie about it?
"Israel had such power and rightfully over Congress and now it doesn't."
Trump has said some strange things before such as "take the firearms first, and then go to court" a while back. It's also strange that he and Pompeo staunchly shill for Israel. Apparently Pompeo believes "anti-Zionism is the same as antisemitism" (oy vey). These are some things we should be questioning, but I suppose it messes with the idea that everything is going smoothly.
You agree that "Israel RIGHTFULLY should have ownership power over our Congress"... or are you about to waste both of our time attempting to play word games?
he didnt say that, he said israel controls our congress. he doesnt want israel running this country I assure you.
This is exactly what Trump said.
Why lie about it?
Trump has said some strange things before such as "take the firearms first, and then go to court" a while back. It's also strange that he and Pompeo staunchly shill for Israel. Apparently Pompeo believes "anti-Zionism is the same as antisemitism" (oy vey). These are some things we should be questioning, but I suppose it messes with the idea that everything is going smoothly.
It's impossible to tell if words have no meaning.
Trump is right though.
You agree that "Israel RIGHTFULLY should have ownership power over our Congress"... or are you about to waste both of our time attempting to play word games?
You dont know what Trump knows but if you want to hate on Trump or Israel this is not the site for you.