Because it’s about to be over.
Unless something big happens today… or has been happening behind the scenes… I can’t see how it was anything more than a dud. Just more of life-as-we-know-it going to hell.
Because it’s about to be over.
Unless something big happens today… or has been happening behind the scenes… I can’t see how it was anything more than a dud. Just more of life-as-we-know-it going to hell.
Are you sitting?
I sit sometimes but I certainly haven’t been sitting here quietly. I’m LOUD AND PROUD and protesting has become an all time favorite for me.
I wear shirts and hats that trigger. I fly an upside down American flag. I blast Alex Jones out in front of my house occasionally. I go to school board meetings. I attended a church militant meeting.
I was afraid to do all these things just a year ago. The thought of putting a Trump sticker on my car scared the shit out of me. COVID and the stolen election were two of the greatest things that have ever happened to me. I was a shy germaphobe. Now I’m an alpha.
Maybe it is hopeless if some of us are “just sitting while America burns”
Great. Each of contributing what effort we can. We'll beat this.