Because it’s about to be over.
Unless something big happens today… or has been happening behind the scenes… I can’t see how it was anything more than a dud. Just more of life-as-we-know-it going to hell.
Because it’s about to be over.
Unless something big happens today… or has been happening behind the scenes… I can’t see how it was anything more than a dud. Just more of life-as-we-know-it going to hell.
The world is a very big place, fren. It takes time to clean up a mess of epic proportions.
Silence is golden. If you know, then they know. If ignorance is bliss, then 'tis folly to be wise.
And the world is a beautiful place. Has anyone considered how good the actors are in this film? Many of them are highly indoctrinated about the world as I was as a physicist.
We can see too far for NASA's great lies.
This world's deceptions run VERY deep. The Great Awakening is happening and we've been lied to about so much.
It's ALL connected. Q and the truth-seeking movement.
Really happy to see another pede on here who isn't lost in space suckling on NASA's limp dick.
We see too far now. Ain’t got time suckin