Because it’s about to be over.
Unless something big happens today… or has been happening behind the scenes… I can’t see how it was anything more than a dud. Just more of life-as-we-know-it going to hell.
Because it’s about to be over.
Unless something big happens today… or has been happening behind the scenes… I can’t see how it was anything more than a dud. Just more of life-as-we-know-it going to hell.
The Baldwin murder and Duram indictments were the major BOOMS. There also have been major narrative shifts on vax, virus, and more people every day waking up to Brandon.
In the grand scheme of things who give s a shit about Baldwin??
It is rather odd that anybody cares about the Alec Baldwin situation, isn't it? Hard to see the vexations of a character actor as a triumph of the kind promised by Q....
Adjust your expectations. This isn't going to be televised and wrap up neatly for a while. This was a huge event - a boom - and as the dust settles we see more pieces of the puzzle.
I don't know if I CAN adjust my expectations. My Baldwin Expectations are permanently set to ULTIMATE LEVEL