Sadly, I am around people who took the jab and many times I do not feel right the next day after being in close proximity to them.
I have been aware of the vaxxed shedding spike proteins but never heard this term.
Please educate me and thank you!
Sadly, I am around people who took the jab and many times I do not feel right the next day after being in close proximity to them.
I have been aware of the vaxxed shedding spike proteins but never heard this term.
Please educate me and thank you!
The technology exists for self disseminating vaccines. They have been used in animals to control fertility as well as spread of disease. The ingredients of these kill shots are a tightly guarded secret. So, there are very few people that know and understand the entire picture of what exactly is in this poison being distributed. I have personally already been made sick by the vaxxed from someone who had been exposed - after they were warned of the dangers. I think they thought I was exaggerating the risk. They are taking the situation more seriously now.
I can't tell people what to do here. Everyone has to determine their own risk. But make no mistake, the vaxxed are spreading problems. There may be several things occurring simultaneously that can affect not only the vaxxed, but the unvaxxed as well. There may be the spreading of biologically active foreign spike proteins that are patented genome sequences that theoretically can be taken up permanently into the human genome. When a patented genomic sequence becomes part of a person's DNA, this legally makes them a GMO. Can that patented sequence be passed to others? If the proliferation of GMO patented sequences within agriculture are any indication, we are in some serious trouble. The vaxxed may be dumpling highly absorbable graphene oxide or nanotech into their surroundings that could affect others. With compromised immune systems, the vaxxed are now super spreaders of all kinds of pathogenic illness that escape their own dysfunctional bodily defenses. We also know that the technology exists that allows vaccines to spread to others - especially where it involves fertility. This brings a whole new meaning to herd immunity. Think herd infertility.
We must understand that these inoculations are a bioweapon. Until we can get our thinking aligned with this reality, we will not be able to protect ourselves against the effects of this bioweapon. Not choosing to be jabbed is critical, but that may not be the end of it. The unvaxxed may still end up as victims even though we have not taken the poison directly. This is why I am upset with people like Dr Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology. Instead of protecting his commercial positions within the industry, he and people like him with the knowledge of how the cake is baked, need to start helping us break this down in order to come up with some solutions. After all, they were the ones partially responsible for allowing this hell to be released on the world's population. That is the least that they should do to help correct what they started.
Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases
Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong?