Sadly, I am around people who took the jab and many times I do not feel right the next day after being in close proximity to them.
I have been aware of the vaxxed shedding spike proteins but never heard this term.
Please educate me and thank you!
Sadly, I am around people who took the jab and many times I do not feel right the next day after being in close proximity to them.
I have been aware of the vaxxed shedding spike proteins but never heard this term.
Please educate me and thank you!
(See my reply further down the page re a November2020 Pfizer published report.)
Note - I am huge medical researcher...
True Story: I saw Dr. Pierre Korey's Senate testimony back in Dec 2020 about his success using Ivermectin, and immediately ordered a 6 mo. supply, plus 6 months of Quercetin, Zinc, D3, Melatonin, & Vit C to outfit my whole family of 4.
I gave my husband and 2 adult kids their stash and instructed them in the protocol in early January 2021. It turns out my husband quietly chose not to take his, while the rest of us did. In April, his recently vaxxed sister came from out of town to visit. I cautioned him that she could be a viral shedder and he said he didn't believe in that. We went out to lunch and sat outside. We had all hugged her and talked around the table together for a few hours. Husband sat closest to his sister.
Four days later, my husband falls ill. The kids and I did not. In questioning him, I learned he had not taken ANY of the protocol. I was furious. He was put on it immediately which kept things under control, but then I found he AGAIN was failing to take everything as directed. I monitored his oxygen and it was dropping too low and it was necessary to get him more help. He went to the hospital. It was a fight with the doctors the whole time. They gave him steroids, oxygen and anti-coagulants, which he needed. They also gave him Remdesivir which I pushed back against. They did agree to give him Vit C upon my urging, but no other concessions. He was sliding downward, but finally he took an upturn and we got him out of there. We kept him on concentrated oxygen for 3 more weeks at home and began him immediately back on a SUPERVISED regimen of IVERMECTIN + 5 vitamins program. He is fully recovered now and back to work with no deficit remaining.
During his illness, I developed not even a sniffle while caring for him and breathing the same air while he coughed and fevered. I continue to take Ivermectin + vitamins daily.
Caveat - I also take a bunch of other anti-cancer vitamins and herbs which I'm sure contributed to my not getting sick.
When you first begin, if you are not sick and simply starting the prophylaxis (prevention) protocol, you learn that you are to take the vitamin nutraceuticals every day, forever. The daily vitamins recommended are:
Vit C - I take 3,000 mg
Vit D - I take 8,000 mg
Zinc - I take 50 mg
Quercetin - I take 800 mg
Melatonin - I take 6 mg
The original recommendation for Ivermectin was to take it on Day 1, Day 3, and then every 30 days thereafter. It was revised to every 14 days, and then again to every 7 days. So now, I take the Ivermectin about every 7-10 days and have been doing so with the horsey paste per my body weight since early January 2021. Now if I am going to be exposed in some manner to a bunch of sick people or large crowds, I may take another dose of Ivermectin right before I go.
Along with the above, I also take for my health these supplements daily:
~Vit A
~Artemisinin (Artemisia Annua) anti viral/anti cancer
~B-17 (organic bitter Apricot seeds - Laetril is made from this) anti viral/anti cancer
~DHT Blocker (includes grape seed extract, saw palmetto, nettle root, pygeum bark, etc.)
~Vit E
~Eggshell membrane
~Gingko Biloba
~Magnesium Oxide
~NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) - anti viral/anti cancer
~Iodine (Once a month I paint a 1x1" square of the tincture on my arm) .....................
I'd be happy to answer any questions if you have them.