I mourn the amount of people I could've pilled if I could've sent them to 8chan, but they would go there and see loli porn and drawings of 12 year olds and stuff and freak out, even though I direct them right at the q board.
The mainstream media has really done a number on normie minds, convincing them anime = pedophilia but edgelord rated R Hollywood films/TV series with sex, violence, and depravity is healthy.
Normies blindly believe cutely drawn 12 year olds running a cafe is absolute degeneracy, while ignoring that the people who make their "golden age of television" crap are the actual pedophiles raping actual children
Force them to watch Is This Order A Rabbit or Love Live and have fun with their brains shortcircuiting because how wholesome it all actually is
I understand about half of what you said, I don't get the whole drawn naked little girls and know it's evil as fuck. Don't defend that kind of behavior.
I mourn the amount of people I could've pilled if I could've sent them to 8chan, but they would go there and see loli porn and drawings of 12 year olds and stuff and freak out, even though I direct them right at the q board.
You can turn off images in the top right corner options.
That doesn't help at all.
The mainstream media has really done a number on normie minds, convincing them anime = pedophilia but edgelord rated R Hollywood films/TV series with sex, violence, and depravity is healthy.
Normies blindly believe cutely drawn 12 year olds running a cafe is absolute degeneracy, while ignoring that the people who make their "golden age of television" crap are the actual pedophiles raping actual children
Force them to watch Is This Order A Rabbit or Love Live and have fun with their brains shortcircuiting because how wholesome it all actually is
I understand about half of what you said, I don't get the whole drawn naked little girls and know it's evil as fuck. Don't defend that kind of behavior.