Bogs? Scenic. In almost all other forms, up to and including canned jelly they are fabulous. Exception: that weird lady that got assigned cranberry sauce and made it without sugar because "people will never notice". She was wrong. Everybody noticed.
There can be too much of a good thing. One Thanksgiving featured cranberries in the dressing, salad, butter, etc. I strongly suspect my sister bought stock in Ocean Spray that year.
Nice to learn about your sister competition dynamic. Very health, especially in the food element. I am am only Son. I've had a singular vision of the Universal direction. No brother to steal my Sunshade.
Trying new things within a traditional structure are always the best places to learn new ways. IMHO. What are your thoughts on cranberries?
Bogs? Scenic. In almost all other forms, up to and including canned jelly they are fabulous. Exception: that weird lady that got assigned cranberry sauce and made it without sugar because "people will never notice". She was wrong. Everybody noticed. There can be too much of a good thing. One Thanksgiving featured cranberries in the dressing, salad, butter, etc. I strongly suspect my sister bought stock in Ocean Spray that year.
Nice to learn about your sister competition dynamic. Very health, especially in the food element. I am am only Son. I've had a singular vision of the Universal direction. No brother to steal my Sunshade.