Shhhhh, don't let Big Pharma hear you! ThE jAb Is ThE oNlY DeFeNsE aGaInsT iT yOu ShOuLd TrUsT. God, my eyes have been opened to the evil that is the pharmaceutical companies. They don't give a fuck about your health, they just want more money so you get fucked and possibly die by a jab. Pure fucking evil. No wonder why they hate ivermectin and HCQ. Both have been around for decades and cheap af.
Shhhhh, don't let Big Pharma hear you! ThE jAb Is ThE oNlY DeFeNsE aGaInsT iT yOu ShOuLd TrUsT. God, my eyes have been opened to the evil that is the pharmaceutical companies. They don't give a fuck about your health, they just want more money so you get fucked and possibly die by a jab. Pure fucking evil. No wonder why they hate ivermectin and HCQ. Both have been around for decades and cheap af.