Can we put together a list of all the celebrities who died or suffered heart problems because of the vax?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I know no one cares to do this because "who cares about celebs" and so forth, but it would be a good idea to have a list on hand in case we can use it for people who are on the verge of a breakthrough--it could help redpill them or at least open their mind a bit.
Off the top of my head,
- Bob Odenkirk
- Michael Kenneth Williams
Two of them died of a supposed "drug overdose" but let's be real here... weren't they vaxxed? As for Bob Odenkirk, he collapsed on the set of a show he was filming and had a heart attack just months after he got vaxxed.
Also list any athletes or anyone else you can find to the list. As long as it is known that they took the vax.
Let's dig, anons.
You will be hardpressed to find celebs who died "because of vaxx" as they would not be reported as such.
I would suggest celebs who have record of taking the vaxx, and died of heart attack/stroke etc thats highly uncharacteristic of their age and health profile.
Here are some I have noted:
Brandon Goodwin ends his season due to vaccines
Denver cop who took vaxx and cant walk anymore
Cienna Knowles - equistarian
Colin Powell
Actor Daniel Mickelson
Champion show jumper, Imogen Allen
Golfer has heart disease and offered bribe to stay silent
Doctor from a French channel has heart attack and dies
Double vaxxed emmy winner
Student Shawn Kuhn dies of breakthrough Covid
Yesterday Bollywood actor Puneeth had a sudden heart attack at 46 (he was a fitness freak)
Letter from doctor who has treated multiple vaxx injured patients
31 year old Elite level diving coach.
Just some links of famous people who died this year:
Famous boxer, Marvin Hagler
Old-time baseball player, Hank Aarons
South Indian actor, Puneeth Rajkumar
Tamil actor, Vivekh
It's Hollywood, who gives a shit??