Last year, there weren't many trick-or-treaters, as people either stayed home or had simple celebrations. This year it just seems that everyone is eager to get back to normal and stop being afraid to live. My own grandkids got to go trick-or-treating on horseback this year.
The parents were out having fun. Older kids were out having fun too. It was really nice to see the entire community come alive. 😊
We had a lot more kids out this year. There were three masked family.
Two of them had the bowl six feet in front of them. The third family was a husband and wife that sat in chairs in the driveway and the old man would run out to the street to give candy in zip lock baggies before they got too close to his wife.
I really want to tell these maskers that the mask is meant to get them sick as hell with "covid pneumonia" that will get them sent to the hospital where they are given Remdesivir to crash their systems, so they can be put on a vent where their blow lungs are blown out, killing them.
God forbid they take Ivermectin, like the Japs; freaking covid would go away!!