Edward Riordan remote viewer session in 10 parts. He summarizes each viewing at the beginning of each part and adds context as he was able to look up Q after he finished the sessions and getting feedback. It is incredible!!! Remember this is all pre COVID.
Is he talking about looking glass?
I remember watching that when he posted. and looking back. just wow.
If you consider all of the recent media & films from the last few decades as predictive programming then you have to consider the zombie films too. If these covidiots somehow became programmable zombies you have to consider the zombie paradox.
Could you kill a zombified loved one?
Watching him write makes me uncomfortable. Potential for mind control? Will continue listening but just glancing.
I believe this is the object they are taking about https://files.catbox.moe/7cuai3.png how do I know ? I found it 7x out o.0
what is that?!
You tell me I’d like to know. Sense I took this screenshot. Nobody could tell me what it is. And further more.. I know it wasn’t fake cause I found it myself, randomly.