My employer has a federal contract and was notified on 10/21/2021 that because we have a federal contract, they fall under the Federal Mandate for the jab. This is a hard mandate that is vaccination without testing and limited religious or medical exemptions. As we are a Union shop, they are aware that they have to negotiate a condition of employment with the Union. I attended the meeting with other delegates and our Union organizer. As this contract is only $412K, of the 34 million budget. Management did a survey of the employees and found that only 40% took the jab. There was an adamant 100 employees who stated that they would not get it. This equates to around 25% of the staff and another 25% didn't respond to the survey. We challenged how a mandate is NOT a law. They can't just give up the fed contract as they could be penalized for 5 years for no federal grants/money. They also are aware that the company will not survive in losing 100 employees or more in one day. They ended up seeking other legal advice. At the follow up meeting, they shared that the new advice is that the federal government cannot add this mandate mid contract. Our new contract starts in April and they believe the feds will add the language to the new contract. The only shared that OSHA is to come out with new guidelines this week and there should be timeframe for compliance. This would be a soft mandate that means they could do a vaccine or testing. As the target date keeps moving, I wanted to share that others need to speak up and challenge. However, in the end, if there is a mandate or testing is forced, I will not comply with either. Guess it is in God's plan if I am done working in mental health.
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They are playing the finger pointing game in the federal contractor space. They keep re-itering, "We are doing this vaccine mandate because of the Biden Executive Order forcing us to do so. We cannot accept federal contracts unless were all vaccinated by mid December. Even if you work from home, you have to be vaccinated because of Biden Admins order".
When the hammer falls... they will indeed make the claim "Well we only did it because of Biden! He told us we had to!"... while in the same breath they scream "TRUST THE SCIENCE". They are bitch made weasels. We are dealing with the weird kids that grew up with no morals, no principles, and they see themselves as their own gods. Bunch of soulless fucks that didn't go to church or get their ass beat enough.
Record names of anyone at your org pushing this shit. Karma will come back 10 fold...
"Bitch made weasels"...adding this to my list of insults
After I heard Jordan Peterson use weasel it has become a part of my vocabulary.
It’s a great alternative to a sensitive audience that can’t handle cuck and faggot.
While I despise their cowardice, they do have a point that if they resist they're unlikely to get any new government contracts. A lot of contractors are not union members (for good and bad) and have golden handcuffs with good paying jobs they don't want to give up. If you have strong aspirations in the company also, you may not want to rock the boat and fall out of favor. It's an insidious plan to mandate such things of contractors.
Well it is the mark of the beast after all. Of course its going to be insidious.