posted ago by thephantom1979 ago by thephantom1979 +21 / -0

The biggest post that sticks out to me now.

Is the one about "They won't be able to walk down the street".

I am seeing more and more videos of the Cabal agents of choas. Not being able to walk normally without people hating them.

What if Q is telling us.

We don't need to arrest everyone. For those who are considered to be "untouchables".

Our methods of dealing with them is extreme public shame.

Can you imagine walking outside and no one likes you? Can you imagine being hated where ever you go?

I wanted arrest and tribunals more than anyone.

But as this goes on more and more.

I am ok with the idea of destorying their reputation so much.

For the rest of their lives....

They live in hell on earth.