I'm also thinking I'm not aligned at all with the goals of the John Birch Society. I found out about them in 1995 and immediately disagreed with their premise that an educated voter base would elect Constitutionally minded lawmakers and that if we keep the Power of the Purse (the House) under control that would solve the problem. Well, my take way back then was that without control of the media, they were barking up the wrong tree...
Because the sheeple are not by nature the least bit interested in learning anything beyond the 3 foot bubble they are living in as Thomas Edison once said, "5% of the people think, 10% think they think, but the other 85% would rather die than think!" So, until we change the lazy human mind, educating the masses is a joke! So...this first goal of JBS is a non-starter.
Regarding their second erroneous premise that getting Constitutionally minded lawmakers in office through the voting booth...well, the cabal has had that sown up since, I would guess, well before the 80's. I read a book in the mid 90's called "Vote Fraud." Real eye opener! I wasn't surprised by what happened during the last national election cycle. Again...this second goal of JBS is also a non-starter.
Thirdly, they are and always have been against a Con-con. I understand why they fear this, and I do too...especially with the amount of control the cabal has at this point. It would be way worse than the first Con-con which was also a coup...the first coup that led to our current mess. However, along these same lines, JBS is also against even Term Limits and again, I'm in complete disagreement with them. Their premise is that we should reward those who are doing good with another shot (term) in office. This goes completely against human nature and ultimately...again...leads to exactly where we are now! I don't care how pure you are when you enter the Beltway, in 2-3 terms, your completely compromised...period! Human nature is just too ripe for greed and power.
So, ultimately the only thing I think is going to work at this point is what We The People were directed to do in the Declaration of Independence. But of course we MUST do that through peaceful demonstration because I am a man of peace and think that every successful government or empire that's ever existed was created through peaceful demonstrations with the people waiving flags and banners to change the minds of those who were trying to enslave them!
I'm also thinking I'm not aligned at all with the goals of the John Birch Society. I found out about them in 1995 and immediately disagreed with their premise that an educated voter base would elect Constitutionally minded lawmakers and that if we keep the Power of the Purse (the House) under control that would solve the problem. Well, my take way back then was that without control of the media, they were barking up the wrong tree...
Because the sheeple are not by nature the least bit interested in learning anything beyond the 3 foot bubble they are living in as Thomas Edison once said, "5% of the people think, 10% think they think, but the other 85% would rather die than think!" So, until we change the lazy human mind, educating the masses is a joke! So...this first goal of JBS is a non-starter.
Regarding their second erroneous premise that getting Constitutionally minded lawmakers in office through the voting booth...well, the cabal has had that sown up since, I would guess, well before the 80's. I read a book in the mid 90's called "Vote Fraud." Real eye opener! I wasn't surprised by what happened during the last national election cycle. Again...this second goal of JBS is also a non-starter.
Thirdly, they are and always have been against a Con-con. I understand why they fear this, and I do too...especially with the amount of control the cabal has at this point. It would be way worse than the first Con-con which was also a coup...the first coup that led to our current mess. However, along these same lines, JBS is also against even Term Limits and again, I'm in complete disagreement with them. Their premise is that we should reward those who are doing good with another shot (term) in office. This goes completely against human nature and ultimately...again...leads to exactly where we are now! I don't care how pure you are when you enter the Beltway, in 2-3 terms, your completely compromised...period! Human nature is just too ripe for greed and power.
So, ultimately the only thing I think is going to work at this point is what We The People were directed to do in the Declaration of Independence. But of course we MUST do that through peaceful demonstration because I am a man of peace and think that every successful government or empire that's ever existed was created through peaceful demonstrations with the people waiving flags and banners to change the minds of those who were trying to enslave them!
How about we try no government!!!