This is why I consider myself very blessed. I did not say this would be easy. You know who else has multi-million dollar contacts, other wealthy people who lost all of their wealth because they were stupid. So, just because you have friends in high places (he doesn't give handouts), it doesn't mean you can't start your own company, it doesn't mean you can't be successful. Trump started with much, and made much much more, he wasn't guaranteed success, he worked for it. I hope you don't mean to assume because people have connections, they will always fail. Also, to these people who don't have money to move around (I never claimed to have this), you have a community, enough which should care enough about you to support you in some way, you just have to be humble enough to ask. If you are so headstrong that you refuse to do that, you can still move across the country for a few hundred dollars. I know this, because my mentor and his wife have done it, he lived in a connex box with no electricity, no plumbing, etc. So no one has anything, but excuses, to not figure out how to forge a new path forward.
This would be all fine and dandy 20 yrs ago or so for me but I am closer to death than I am to birth but very healthy. We were living well in the city for quite a few years and then we lived totally off the grid for 12 yrs. Loved every minute of it but long time marriage broke apart some years ago. I was awake and he was not and nothing I tried to show him worked. After a couple of years I was unable to maintain the property alone and I had to sell and basically lost everything and had to jump back into the rat race, so it's been an uphill climb for me at this stage of the game but I was doing ok until this covid mandate bs. I'm not a quitter and I know this is all going to work out. I have my faith. I just don't know how just yet. Best of luck on your business.
This is why I consider myself very blessed. I did not say this would be easy. You know who else has multi-million dollar contacts, other wealthy people who lost all of their wealth because they were stupid. So, just because you have friends in high places (he doesn't give handouts), it doesn't mean you can't start your own company, it doesn't mean you can't be successful. Trump started with much, and made much much more, he wasn't guaranteed success, he worked for it. I hope you don't mean to assume because people have connections, they will always fail. Also, to these people who don't have money to move around (I never claimed to have this), you have a community, enough which should care enough about you to support you in some way, you just have to be humble enough to ask. If you are so headstrong that you refuse to do that, you can still move across the country for a few hundred dollars. I know this, because my mentor and his wife have done it, he lived in a connex box with no electricity, no plumbing, etc. So no one has anything, but excuses, to not figure out how to forge a new path forward.
This would be all fine and dandy 20 yrs ago or so for me but I am closer to death than I am to birth but very healthy. We were living well in the city for quite a few years and then we lived totally off the grid for 12 yrs. Loved every minute of it but long time marriage broke apart some years ago. I was awake and he was not and nothing I tried to show him worked. After a couple of years I was unable to maintain the property alone and I had to sell and basically lost everything and had to jump back into the rat race, so it's been an uphill climb for me at this stage of the game but I was doing ok until this covid mandate bs. I'm not a quitter and I know this is all going to work out. I have my faith. I just don't know how just yet. Best of luck on your business.