My husband was waiting to get his “You didn’t vax now you’re out” letter from work this morning. I had posted on here a few times asking for help, resources, websites, etc. EVERYONE came thru with so much info and saying how they hoped it would work out. Our Religious Exemption was laughed at so our Dr. filled out the Med. Exemption form ( which took a lot of coaxing!) and he turned that in but the Company had said since they only work on DOD contracts they were exempting maybe 1% of workforce (small company, 500/600employees). We took all the advice from all you wonderful people, did our best and said “We now have to put it in God’s hands”. This morning he got his letter. MEDICAL EXEMPTION ACCEPTED! Thank you 🙏 to all who I don’t know who said “don’t give up, don’t bow down, hold the line, TRUST IN GOD”. We were scared, anxious & worried but had to believe God would answer our prayers for him to keep his job and if not God would help us when he lost his job. God knows. God listens. God helps. Thank you everyone who kept us going with heartfelt posts and good wishes. You FRENS are the Greatest!!!
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Congrats. :-)
No matter what happens, always stay true to your principles. That's the most important thing.