Before Q, I didn’t know the crimes perpetrated against children done by the cabal by trafficking, torture, sacrifice, cannibalism. Kids born in underground tunnels who have never seen the light of day. Q said “Those who know, can’t sleep.” It’s all about ending this adrenochrome addicted luciferians crimes against children. Those are the children that make up my nightmares.
Before Q, I didn’t know the crimes perpetrated against children done by the cabal by trafficking, torture, sacrifice, cannibalism. Kids born in underground tunnels who have never seen the light of day. Q said “Those who know, can’t sleep.” It’s all about ending this adrenochrome addicted luciferians crimes against children. Those are the children that make up my nightmares.
Its difficult to care but ai know God honors those that do. Our love for others will keep us in the fight but it is so hard
I completely understand. I think we have cried rivers of tears and still do.
Yep. My eyes are leaking even now but we keep going anyway.
Because we have gone through this torturous waking process, we will have compassion on those have to go through it too.