When Alaska and Hawaii joined the Union, Congress passed the Alaska and Hawaii Omnibus Acts (respectively, at different times). These Acts rewrote federal laws and removed specific mention of Alaska and Hawaii from among the federal territories, but failed to add them elsewhere. What do I mean? Try searching for Arizona or Texas, or your state, in the United States Code. The term 'state' is left vague, or only refers to the federal territories. Federal jurisdiction applies to interstate commerce, functions listed in 8:1:17 of the constitution, or to federal places and persons. When Congress writes laws, they can write them for federal places and persons, or constitutionally for the nation as a whole, but they are under no obligation to tell you which hat they are wearing at the time.
When Alaska and Hawaii joined the Union, Congress passed the Alaska and Hawaii Omnibus Acts (respectively, at different times). These Acts rewrote federal laws and removed specific mention of Alaska and Hawaii from among the federal territories, but failed to add them elsewhere. What do I mean? Try searching for Arizona or Texas, or your state, in the United States Code. The term 'state' is left vague, or only refers to the federal territories. Federal jurisdiction applies to interstate commerce, functions listed in 8:1:17 of the constitution, or to federal places and persons. When Congress writes laws, they can write them for federal places and persons, or constitutionally for the nation as a whole, but they are under no obligation to tell you which hat they are wearing at the time. http://supremelaw.org/fedzone11/index.htm