Jim you are in Congress, YOU sir have power, YOU sir can fight, stand daily and FIGHT. You allow liars to lie in Congress, and do nothing. You allow liars and traitors to violate the Constitution and do nothing. You do not filibuster and insist on the Rule of Law, instead you whine at US, you complain to We the People that 'you' are allowing Evil to operate.
DO something you spineless twit.
The only thing 'we' can do is pick up our rifles Jimmy... let that sink in.
Jim you are in Congress, YOU sir have power, YOU sir can fight, stand daily and FIGHT. You allow liars to lie in Congress, and do nothing. You allow liars and traitors to violate the Constitution and do nothing. You do not filibuster and insist on the Rule of Law, instead you whine at US, you complain to We the People that 'you' are allowing Evil to operate.
DO something you spineless twit.
The only thing 'we' can do is pick up our rifles Jimmy... let that sink in.
Not sure of the bill but this is exactly why we have 2A. Once this sham legal process plays out, we may be exercising it if our military won’t.
What bill exactly is being proposed?
If you click the link at the top, the video title says it, "Dem Gun Control Bill".