This is when the vaccine scam started. Research Jenner...newspaper archives exist ....mandates were the end so many people were vaxxed in Leicester UK and then got ?smallpox? They had to drop the mandate and ?smallpox? died out!! Most doctors were horrified at what was being forced into bloodstreams...but Jenner had powerful friends in parliament..........
I hope this is being brought out now to show people the truth about vaxxs and what a massive scam vaxxs are and a depopulation tool
If the majority of people go along with [Covid-19 vaccines], then let those people enter the new system, the new normal, while limiting the minority that defied the agenda’s ability to work, travel and live.
If the majority of people go against the agenda, then release [...] a virus with a 30+% mortality rate as a final scare to punish the minority to quickly become the majority and give a final “We told you so” to those that didn’t listen.
We're told that smallpox has 30% mortality. Using smallpox has these advantages:
It is a well-known virus of which people are deathly afraid. Not some new shit where people can doubt what it is.
People believe in germ theory and think it's necessary to vaccinate to be safe from this.
The government can therefore easily invoke martial law and mandate injections with a smallpox vaccine. This can then just be combined with Covid-19 injections, in a way that's non-optional.
The alternative will involve removal to quarantine camps.
This is when the vaccine scam started. Research Jenner...newspaper archives exist ....mandates were the end so many people were vaxxed in Leicester UK and then got ?smallpox? They had to drop the mandate and ?smallpox? died out!! Most doctors were horrified at what was being forced into bloodstreams...but Jenner had powerful friends in parliament..........
I hope this is being brought out now to show people the truth about vaxxs and what a massive scam vaxxs are and a depopulation tool
Guys, this is serious shit. This closely follows the Lockstep plan:
If the majority of people go along with [Covid-19 vaccines], then let those people enter the new system, the new normal, while limiting the minority that defied the agenda’s ability to work, travel and live.
If the majority of people go against the agenda, then release [...] a virus with a 30+% mortality rate as a final scare to punish the minority to quickly become the majority and give a final “We told you so” to those that didn’t listen.
Smallpox was planned as early as 2001, in the Dark Winter exercise:
Fauci has foreshadowed "Dark Winter" recently:
Biden has foreshadowed "Dark Winter":
This is a dog whistle to insiders. They know about the Dark Winter exercise.
Bill Gates is now warning that terrorists may release smallpox:
These "predictions" matter, because the same people "predicted" the Covid-19 pandemic:
Fauci, famously on TV in January 2017.
Biden, famously in 2019.
Gates, literally all of the time.
The FDA approved a new drug to treat smallpox in June 2021:
We're told that smallpox has 30% mortality. Using smallpox has these advantages:
It is a well-known virus of which people are deathly afraid. Not some new shit where people can doubt what it is.
People believe in germ theory and think it's necessary to vaccinate to be safe from this.
The government can therefore easily invoke martial law and mandate injections with a smallpox vaccine. This can then just be combined with Covid-19 injections, in a way that's non-optional.
The alternative will involve removal to quarantine camps.
Fuck it, Yahoo is not storing their fucking trackers on my devices.