My Dad 88 who is AMAZING - plays golf twice a week, still drives, and lives alone and independent. He just got the 3rd Moderna booster shot a week ago. I discouraged him from getting it but he had already made up his mind. Yesterday evening he started having Bells Palsy Symptoms with half of his face seeming paralyzed. I was anti vax-mandate and vax hesitant before. But NOW I am "Get the HELL away from me and my friends and loved ones with that FARKIN JAB!!!!!!!" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE warn your friends and family!!!
UPDATE My dad is home from the hospital. They expect his symptoms to subside and it seems like they are. We are trusting GOD ALMIGHTY for his full and complete recovery. Thank you to ALL for your concern and prayers!!! PLEASE do NOT let your family, friends, or loved ones get this JAB. It is pure and utter NONSENSE!!!!!!!
They grew up in the aftermath of brutal physical wars, their parents and grandparents doing their part for their respective countries, most not knowing what the wars were even about, they just wanted their sons back in one piece. Most are not aware we are currently fighting an invisible, information war, they have been thoroughly convinced by the Mockingbird mafia, the enemy, that taking part in this dystopian medical experiment is "doing their bit". This abominable plan was many decades in the making.