If for some reason you do, DO NOT let them put you on a ventilator. Fight to be treated with Ivermectin, HQC, monoclonal antibodies, etc. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell everyone.
No more needless death. No more! Stand up for our right to live, and get others to stand up for theirs as well.
If you can't get Ivermectin, take max recommended dose of vitamin C, D, E. You can get zinc. Also Frontline doctors are recommending Black Cumin Seeds if you can't get ivermectin.
I've got some of everything for myself, including the seed oil and Quercetin. My hope is that others begin to get their hands on some too.
Like Quercetin and HCQ, Green Tea is also a zinc inonophore; all help protect against COVID and a number of other viral diseases and have other benefits besides.