Exactly-Pay attention, always. Always know we have a scape in a building, potential your surroundings when entering and exiting your vehicle. Never unlock all of your doors when entering or exiting, just the drivers door. Etc. etc. etc. never leave things of value and open site in your vehicle. If you can’t conceal carry a gun where are you live, always keep a knife in your vehicle. If possible keep an eye on your person. Pay attention to what’s going on around you when you’re putting gas in your vehicle. When checking out at a store caught up don’t just evaluate what is the shortest line is, but the type of people who are in those lines. There are so many things people can be doing on a daily basis, just simple things to protect themselves. But they don’t, because everywhere they go there head is down looking at their phones instead. This is why that story of the Marine who Descalated a situation in a convenience store in Arizona is so important. He was paying attention, and that one second that he was paying attention he saved his life and many others.
This. I feel like I have conversations with people about situational awareness every single day and why it is of the utmost importance.
Exactly-Pay attention, always. Always know we have a scape in a building, potential your surroundings when entering and exiting your vehicle. Never unlock all of your doors when entering or exiting, just the drivers door. Etc. etc. etc. never leave things of value and open site in your vehicle. If you can’t conceal carry a gun where are you live, always keep a knife in your vehicle. If possible keep an eye on your person. Pay attention to what’s going on around you when you’re putting gas in your vehicle. When checking out at a store caught up don’t just evaluate what is the shortest line is, but the type of people who are in those lines. There are so many things people can be doing on a daily basis, just simple things to protect themselves. But they don’t, because everywhere they go there head is down looking at their phones instead. This is why that story of the Marine who Descalated a situation in a convenience store in Arizona is so important. He was paying attention, and that one second that he was paying attention he saved his life and many others.