Posted this in a thread and it seemed to resonate...
There are four types of people on this board:
- Noobs
- Shills/trolls
- Doomers
- Popcorn eaters.
The first three groups are all doing the same thing for different reasons - feeling anger & despair, having dramatic meltdowns, making hollow threats and demands.
They are basically going through the stages of grief and haven't fully process what's happening.
So while annoying, its kind of inevitable. And it doesn't really matter. The plan, both good and evil, marches forward.
The fifth column, you might say. Redpilling from within.
Those of us helping to organize like minded patriots.
Calling out the fraud.
Boycotting businesses and other fiscal warfare.
Taking over school boards, town meetings, volunteering to help MAGA candidates. MTG didn't get there by watching the plan unfold while eating popcorn.
Prepping and training. The 4-6% are not going to go quietly into the night.